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Let me give you an actual real life example: On 20th May 2017 I bought a BTC package for 0.02806 Bitcoin (€50), It completed on Xmas day 2017 at 0.039284 Bitcoin (0.02806 x 140% = 0.039284) but on Xmas day that 0.039284 Bitcoin was worth, not €70 but, €500 - my return in Euro was 10 fold!!

Meanwhile, all of that €500 has already purchased more BTC packages that are each doing exactly the same - they will each return 140% in Bitcoin which is likely to have increased in value also!

There are two ways to make money with Bitcoin – you can buy and hold your Bitcoin or you can trade your Bitcoin – OR... you can do both, AND… you can do it on autopilot so you earn even when you are asleep. This process requires little or no intervention on your part.

By combining the ownership of Bitcoin with an automated Bitcoin Trading Platform you can earn daily income from the trading activity and... earn again as Bitcoin rises in value in the market place. 

This is a WIN-WIN scenario. Your money remains in Bitcoin, so you profit from holding Bitcoin for the long term enjoying the inevitable rise in Bitcoin value, PLUS... you profit on the Automated Bitcoin Trading Platform by increasing the amount of Bitcoin you own as a result of the trading function. Artificial Intelligence is employed to carry out micro trades during the rise AND fall in the price of Bitcoin so... in fact the volatility of Bitcoin gives us great scope to grow our wealth. 

By utilising our simple passive strategy, you can increase your holding of Bitcoin by up to 5 fold in just a little over 12 months – PLUS that Bitcoin is likely to have increased greatly in value in that time frame.


With absolutely no startup fees you can start trading immediately with just €50 of starting capital.

You purchase a BTC (Bitcoin) package for €50 "worth" of Bitcoin – therefore you own Bitcoin, you get paid in Bitcoin and you grow your ownership of Bitcoin whilst still enjoying any growth in Bitcoin value.


You will be paid a “return of capital” of an average of 1%* each trading day in Bitcoin (weekdays only) until you have received 140% of your original €50 worth of Bitcoin, so in around 140 business days, a little over 6 months, you would own, in theory, €70 worth of Bitcoin. In practise that could be several times that as the price of Bitcoin will have inevitably increased in that time. By buying multiple BTC packages concurrently and continuously re-buying more BTC packages from your accumulated returns you can build up an increasing portfolio of BTC packages thereby massively compounding your earnings.

How It Works In A Nutshell

If you don't already own any Bitcoin and need to know how to purchase some, please have a look HERE

Buying and Owning Bitcoin


You need a Bitcoin Wallet to be able to purchase Bitcoin, it is the Bitcoin equivalent of your Bank Account you use for you local currency. You can then purchase Bitcoin from your wallet provider using either a Credit / Debit card or a Bank Wire Transfer also at one of the Bitcoin ATM's that are springing up. It is quite a simple process but you will probably need some help initially but I can help you with that.

In this video presentation you will learn the name of the company, the names and calibre of the people behind it, the substantial history of the company and its vision for the future. You will learn more of how the BTC packages work and visual evidence of what can be achieved with the right work ethic from a very modest start in terms of initial capital. With the security levels employed by the company it is also a much safer place for you to hold your Bitcoin than in a wallet that relies upon your own safety measures.

The Increase In Bitcoin Value


Lets say for simplicity's sake that you use 1 Bitcoin to purchase a number of BTC packages, that 1 Bitcoin cost €10,000 AND that you re-purchase as soon as funds allow to compound your returns. Now fast forward 2 x 140* day periods, about a year or so. Lets assume in that time that Bitcoin has doubled in value from €10,000 to €20,000, very conservative given that it increased 10 fold in 2017. 


Now, if you had just held your Bitcoin you would have €20,000. However, using the BTC packages you would now have 5 times €20,000 which equals €100,000.


What if Bitcoin halved in that same timeframe, unlikely but possible. If you had just held your Bitcoin you would now have €10,000 x half which is €5,000 - a loss of €5,000. But, by using the BTC packages you would have €5,000 x 5 which equals €25,000.


What if Bitcoin went down by three quarters to €2,500. You would now be nursing a substantial loss of €7,500. But, by using the BTC packages you would still have €2,500 times 5 which equals €12,500. Still a nice 25% return, not at all shabby in todays values.




* The 1% average return used in example is actually from 0.75% to 1.25% and the 140 days is an estimate and could be longer until the 140% return is achieved.

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